Quick, Precise, Real Estate Appraisals
KnowYourValueNow.com is your online source for ordering high quality real estate appraisals.

We use a network of appraisers to develop and deliver value estimates throughout Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C.

Our appraisals are completed by licensed, certified or certified general appraisers for the puposes of residential valuation, estate planning or estate settlement, foreclosures, property disputes, zoning issues, feasibilty studies, market rent and investment analysis.

Full Appraisal
This type of appraisal is what lenders and investors use to protect their interests in real estate.

It requires a site visit which includes a full inspection of the inside and outside of the home that, along with additional data gathered on site, is used in developing the appraisal report.

A Full appraisal includes market research, subject data, comparable sales and adjustments, maps and addenda.

Full Appraisal
Quick Appraisal
This type of appraisal can be developed and delivered the quickest and is commonly used by realtors as a pre-listing appraisal and by investors as an investment analysis.

It includes all subject data and all comparable sales data in a sales grid with all  individual adjustments.  The comparable sales and listings are mapped and the final value estimate is represented as a single-point value.

Quick Appraisal
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